Tactical Rifle 1
If you are a tactical rifle owner (AR, AK, Etc.) and have not received professionally led instruction on it, then this is the class for you. Details that will be covered in this course include: Safely handling the rifle, rifle nomenclature, proper loading and unloading procedures, marksmanship fundamentals, rifle “zeroing”, use of a sling, shooting positions, and weapons maintenance. Additional topics that will be covered include, pertinent legal considerations pertaining to firearms ownership, transportation, storage, and defensive use specific to California residents.
Our course times are 9 am – 5 pm unless otherwise noted.
Things you will need:
Packed lunch and water
Tactical rifle with sights/optics
3 magazines
300 rounds of ammunition
Adjustable sling (We recommend the Ferro Concepts Slingster or )
Belt worn rifle magazine pouch.
Rifle cleaning kit
Baseball style cap
Long sleeved shirt or jacket (you will be shooting from the prone position and will inevitably want your elbows covered).
No low cut tops or open toed shoes (this is for your safety, as brass casings ejected during live fire exercises can land inside loose fitting tops or sandals and could create a safety issue).